Istanbul Kultur University Department of Foreign Languages provides English Preparatory Class education to its students for one academic year. Students who do not get the required points in the Foreign Language Proficiency Exam (YDYS) at the beginning of the fall semester start the English Preparatory Class on Şirinevler Campus in the classes deemed appropriate (Beginner, Elementary, Pre-intermediate and Intermediate). Our primary goal is to build up the general foreign language background of our students and to develop the four basic language skills: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Our aim is to educate confident individuals who can use information technologies at the highest level in language learning, have a critical perspective, equipped with multi-dimensional and independent thinking skills, and have awareness of social responsibility. The students who attend the English Preparatory Class carry out studies that will help them in their future academic life. In this regard, our goal is to ensure the active participation of our students in the education process. In our program, our students contribute to the environment created and developed in the classroom, do homework related to the materials used in the classroom, and carry out in-class studies initiated and maintained by our English instructors. Our students are closely supervised for their awareness and discovery and development of their academic skills which are observed and assessed with various measurement tools over the whole academic year.

Last Update Date: Wed, 10/02/2019 - 16:12