IKU School of Foreign Languages provides English language education to the students of Istanbul Kültür University preparatory class and faculties for one academic year. The students complete the academic year by participating in club activities, preparing presentations etc. in order to use academic and general English effectively with the help of four basic skills (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking).
Students whose department is Turkish-medium can also take preparatory education upon request.
* Remedial Classes
Remedial classes consist of additional courses at all levels offered by the Departmental Instructors for the English Preparatory Class students who need academic support. (4 hours a week)
* Tutorial Classes
Tutorial classes are additional courses at all levels offered by 4th year students of School of English Language Teaching for English Preparatory Class students who need academic support. (Average 20 hours a week)
* Office Hours
Office hours are one-on-one meetings that instructors schedule in order to support students, answer their questions, and find solutions to their academic problems. They are not an equivalent of tutorial or remedial classes. Instructors are present at their offices at the time they have scheduled and announced. (1 hour a week)
* Self-Access Center Student Support
It is the additional support provided by the Departmental Instructors to the students who do their online assignments at the School of Foreign Languages Self-Access Centers. (36 hours a week)